Rewards and Badges
Create and award users with rewards and badges.
Create reward vouchers and digital badges that can be assigned to a Rewards Activity in a Pathwa.
What are Rewards?
If a user fulfils an action on the app, then they can receive a reward. Rewards are digital vouchers with a unique QR code that can be redeemed in various ways.
How can users earn Rewards?
A reward can be earned on a Pathway by completing a Reward Activity. Set the fulfilment requirement by deciding which activities must be completed or which milestones and targets must be reached before the reward is received.
Rewards could be granted for:
completing a learning activity;
reaching a trackable target, or
passing a checkpoint on a Pathway.
How are Rewards redeemed?
Rewards are created as QR Code vouchers. Reward vouchers can be redeemed in multiple ways depending on your requirements:
Peer-to-Peer. The voucher QR code is scanned by the reward provider. Any mobile phone can be used to scan the code. A notification is sent to the reward recipient on their app. They can confirm or reject the reward redemption. If confirmed, they can show this to the provider to receive the reward.
Manually. Reward voucher states can be overridden by platform users. This is useful if you are manually distributing rewards and wish to update the reward voucher to Redeemed manually from the reward logs.
Webhook & API. Reward vouchers can be redeemed through the available API which allows you to integrate into any physical/digital reward system and issue direct rewards through the API quite easily.
How to Create a Reward
To create a new Reward, open Pathways and then select Rewards.
Select the + icon (bottom right) and select Add Reward.
Choose a Reward Icon. Select and search for a suitable icon for your Reward.
Reward Title. Enter the name/title of the Reward.
Instructions. Write instructions on how to redeem the Reward (max. 255 characters)
Terms. Add a link to the Reward terms and conditions (optional).
API & Web Hook Identifier (Optional). Provide a SKU or unique identifier of your choice. A unique code will be created automatically if this is not provided.
Support Contact. Provide the contact name and email address of the person who can be contacted by the user if they have any questions about the Reward or need help to redeem it.
Reward Limits. Define how many of the Rewards are available. When the maximum is reached, the user will be notified that the reward is no longer available and they can get in touch with the Reward Support Contact.
Available Stock. Enter a number to limit the amount of Reward redemptions.
Is the reward a limited offer? Set a fixed expiry date (Reward must be redeemed by DD/MM/YYYY), or set a dynamic expiry date (redeem within X days after receiving the Reward).
Rewards and Badges must be created before they can be added as a Pathway Activity.
Hidden Rewards & Badges
Hidden rewards/badges are reward activities that are not visible to the user on the pathway. This creates a surprise and delight experience when a user unexpectedly earns a reward or badge.
Hidden reward activities auto complete when the user reaches the part of the pathway where the activity is placed.
How to Hide a Reward or Badge
Create and add a Reward or Badge to a Pathway.
Select the + icon in a Pathway row and select Reward.
Choose the Reward or Badge. Under Activity Settings you can set Hidden/Auto to Yes if the reward must be hidden, i.e. it will only be visible to the user when they reach the reward activity.
Notes on hidden rewards/badges If a reward/badge is out of stock or has expired, then the hidden reward/badge will not display as an icon or metric on the pathway stats view.
How to Update or Delete a Badge or Reward
Open Pathways and then select Rewards.
Select the options icon next to the Reward or Badge.
Select Update to edit the Reward or Badge information.
Select Remove to delete the Reward or Badge. When a reward/badge is removed, this will also remove all the badge/reward from any user that has received the badge/reward.
How to View Reward Log
Open Pathways and then select Rewards.
Select the options icon next to the Reward or Badge.
Select Update to View Reward Logs.
How to implement Rewards: an Example
Let's say, for instance, that the reward is a cup of coffee from the company or university canteen. There is no integration required to fulfil the voucher. The only implementation step is to brief the canteen staff that employees or students are going to be presenting an app to redeem a reward, and that the QR code needs to be scanned to approve the voucher.
We can break it down into steps:
Concept & Setup
Rewards are conceptualised and negotiated/agreed with a reward provider, e.g. a coffee shop.
A reward is set up on the platform backend along with the requirements needed to get the reward. Constraints such as expiration and quantity can be set.
Voucher Redemption
The voucher QR code is scanned by the reward provider. Any mobile phone can be used to scan the code.
A notification is sent to the reward recipient on their app. They can confirm or reject the reward redemption.
If confirmed, they can show this to the provider to receive the reward.
The voucher will be redeemed.
Data Tracking
The state of the voucher is tracked on the platform.
Tracked data can be reconciled with the reward provider as needed.
Rewards API & Web Hook integration
The platform API allows you to integrate into any physical reward system and issue direct rewards through the API.
Web hooks can also be used whereby once a user receives something, the state of that reward is sent to any endpoint that can then redeem, e.g. airtime, money, vouchers, etc.
Depending on the requirements, a deep integration and a shallow integration is possible. The peer-to-peer redemption is a more shallow and easy route, whereas the deep route involves building web hooks and applying the API.
Contact your platform provider to enquire about API and Web Hook integrations.
What are Badges?
Badges are non-redeemable digital rewards of acknowledgement and provide a way to incentivise users without physical rewards. Badges have rarity ratings, the number of users who have received the badge versus the number of registered app users, which creates an intangible value for users.
Common. Received by 80% or more of users
Uncommon. Received by 60% or more users
Rare. Received by 40% or more users
Very Rare. Received by 20% or more users
Ultra Rare. Received by 19% or less users
How to Create a Badge
To create a new Badge, open Pathways and then select Rewards.
Select the + icon (bottom right) and select Add Badge.
Choose a Badge Icon. Select and search for a suitable icon for your Badge.
Badge Name. Enter the name/title of the Badge.
Badge Limit (Optional). Determine how many users can achieve this badge. The fewer the Badges, the greater the rarity.
Last updated
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