
Each Pathway level starts with a milestone activity.

A milestone is used to mark the beginning of a new level. They are always required and must simply be viewed by the user in order to be fulfilled. Create up to 4 (four) milestones per Pathway - one per level.

All four milestones are visible in your Pathway Editor, but a milestone will only be visible on a published Pathway if it contains one or more activities.

How to create a Milestone Activity

  1. Open a Pathway.

  2. Select the + icon and then select Milestone.

  3. Add Activity Name. This will be visible on the Pathway.

  4. Add a banner. Upload an image (at least 1136 x 758px in size (.jpg, .png)) that will be visible once a user selects the Pathway.

  5. Add a short snippet. Write a short description of the milestone that is visible on the Pathway for desktop and tablet only (max. 90 characters).

  6. Write a description. Write a longer description of the milestone that is visible once a user selects the Pathway tile on mobile, desktop and tablet.

  7. Attach a resource. Choose a file (PDF, Audio, Image, or Video) from Cloudfile.

  8. Activity Settings. Milestone activities are always required and must be viewed to be completed.

  9. Save.

Last updated