Podcast Episode Activity
Add a single podcast episode from an existing feed.
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Add a single podcast episode from an existing feed.
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Add an episode from a podcast using an RSS feed or an Apple podcast link.
Open a Pathway.
Select the + icon and then select Podcast Episode.
Activity name (optional). Name the activity.
Add a Podcast episode. Enter an RSS feed or an Apple podcast link then hit enter. All podcast episodes will load.
Select an episode. You can select only one episode from the podcast feed. Once imported, a check mark will appear. Select the check mark to deselect the episode and choose a different episode.
Add a short snippet. Write a short description of the podcast episode. This will be visible on the Pathway for desktop and tablet only (max. 90 characters).
Write a description. Write a longer description of the podcast episode. This will be visible once a user selects the Pathway tile on mobile, desktop and tablet.
Activity settings.
Required. Set as a required or optional activity.
Play Fulfilment. If set to required, the user must play the episode in order to fulfill the activity.
Start Playback From. Enter the time in seconds to start the playback from.
End Playback. Enter the time in seconds after which the playback must end.
Once you have inserted the podcast feed, the available episodes will be loaded. Select a single episode to insert into the Podcast activity.